
The Civic Institute to Promote Order in Society (CIPOS) is a non-governmental organisation (Foundation) registered in the Dutch constituent Country of Curaçao. Objective is to enhance democracy, the rule of law, human and fundamental rights, and the maintenance of societal order with a non-discriminatory and inclusive approach.

CIPOS is personally and institutionally affiliated with the Institute of Police and Security Research of the University for Public Administration Bremen and the Civic Institute to promote the Rule of Democracy CIRD e.V. in Lübeck (both in Germany). Associations with European authorities in the sphere of internal security and justice and public research organisations – such as the Institute on Crime and Criminal Justice (ICCJ) of the international European Public Law Organisation EPLO (Greece), Fondazione AGENFOR International (Italy), and the Agency for Support of the Civil Society AMSHC (Albania) – are enabling the transnational research, teaching and operational activities.

CIPOS’ outcome-and-impact-oriented attitude is driven by the values enshrined in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the Council of Europe’s Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR), the Charta of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFR), and the Treaty on European Union (EUT). Adherence to civil rights in all policy areas, and by all members of the society, is at the forefront of CIPOS ideology.

As an initiator, multiplier and enabler of societal development, CIPOS strives to generate and implement multi-agency cooperation mechanisms across sectors and institutions of the public and private commercial and non-commercial field of civic stake- and shareholders.

CIPOS is dedicated to non-military activities that make evidence-based and verified data available for society-shaping research and policy-uptake purposes. Hence, intensive cooperation with higher educational and other academic institutions – such as the partners in the CONRIS and the MiNERVA networks – at regional, national and international level is decisive. With its international approach, the Global Humanistic University in Curaçao is a close and valuable partner.

The CIPOS team is composed of public prosecutors, criminologists, legal and human rights professionals, tax lawyers, ICT experts, law enforcement officers, civil society actors, commercial practitioners, and academic specialists from around 20 countries.

A qualified project and process management ensures compliance with normative and ethical standards and monitored quality of outputs.