Jean Monnet Module

CIPOS would like to introduce a project, implemented by one of the partners from our network:

Erasmus+: Jean Monnet Module

Erasmus+: Jean Monnet Modules are short teaching programs/or course in the field of European Union studies at a higher education institution. The aim of the modules is to promote research and teaching experience among young researchers, scholars and practitioners in EU issues, foster the publication and dissemination of academic research, create interest in the EU, foster the introduction of an EU angle mainly into non-EU related studies and deliver tailor-made courses on specific EU issues relevant for graduates in their professional life.

See for details:

Erasmus+: Jean Monnet Module ERUPT: European Rights and Union Protection Tools

Present project has been granted by the European Commission to the NBS in summer 2020 for a period of three consecutive years, and started in November thereof.

The project introduces additional courses with a focus on those aspects deriving from or based on EU and European Law as well as European Integration. The topics chosen for the Erasmus+: Jean Monnet Module project address the needs identified throughout the last years when providing lectures to the students, graduated public service officials and civil society actors in Hamburg. It apparent that additional specialist in-depth knowledge on European aspects regarding the respective professions is required to further the course participants’ understanding of the relevance and impact of European measures for their daily work across sectors.

As the European dimension is becoming increasingly important at political, legal, societal, and corporate levels, the course participants need to be equipped with specialist knowledge. Plenty of NBS students are taking-up employment at international level, e.g. in globally active companies or administrations with tasks closely related to international and furthermost European issues; a number of graduates gets engaged in civil society activities and implements cross-border projects throughout Europe. At sectoral level, graduates are involved in areas where EU provisions are of decisive character, e.g. in the field of aviation security, energy security or port/shipment security.

The project aims at closing knowledge and perception gaps and introduces the approach of critical thinking to practitioners in core fields of work with relevance for the functioning of the Internal Market at public and private institutional level. In so doing, theoretical and practical knowledge on the role and values of the EU will be disseminated among the course participants.

Open to everyone

Though NBS is having a good number of students and courses provided in the regular schedule of NBS are mainly subjected, project ERUPT is not limited to NBS students: Through the CONRIS Network with universities in seven EU Member States, participants are having unlimited access to the materials and results of the Erasmus+: Jean Monnet Module project ERUPT. The general public is cordially invited to participate.

Participants are directly involved in the Module activities by active participation and critical reflective debates on EU and European aspects relevant for their daily operative and strategic work. Additional specific interests of members of the target groups will be identified in form of a survey at the beginning of each Module activity and included in the respective schedule by the teacher (keyword: inclusive interactivity). The target group members will learn theoretical and practical approaches and apply their newly gained knowledge in form of role-plays, case-studies and annual work-shops to ensure on-hand-provision and application of competencies.

Registration and Participation

For registration and participation please follow the links provided by NBS:


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